Giant Loop Diablo Bags
Diablo Tank Bag (4 liters) is the updated version of Giant Loop’s trail tested slim, trim, minimalist design. It’s the tank bag solution for sport, dirt, endure, adventure and dual sport motorcycle riders -
A great place to store your 2-Way radios, cell phone, wallet, Bluetooth device etc.
Fits virtually any motorcycle make/model — dirt bike, dual sport, enduro, adventure touring and sport bike — with metallic or non-metallic tanks/shrouds.
Easily access fuel fill by simply unzipping either side of tank bag from the harness, or completely remove bag leaving harness on bike, adjusted and ready to go. Concave tank bag front allows vent hoses to breath.
Pro - An electronics pass-through enables on-bike charging and power inside the tank bag and/or the clear vinyl map pocket top. Other key new features: Full interior lining with hook-and-loop accepting fabric, movable divider with elastic tire pressure gauge holder, exterior mesh pocket and D-ring mounts for new optional Pannier Pockets (2 liters each side).